fourth Week css Welcome to your fourth Week css Name Email Phone Carefully and attentive listening is an essential part of developing effective interpersonal skills Can’t say Agree Disagree Spending some time in planning your day is___ Not required as you do things as you wish Good as it enables you to utilize the available time productively A waste of time You do not try to please everyone all the time indicates that You know your abilities You know your unabilities When you join a new friend circle, there is nothing wrong in -- Proudly presenting your talents Not required as you do things as you wish Hiding your likings. You do not try to please everyone all the time indicates that You know your unabilities You know your abilities Jealousy makes the person -- Incapable of appreciating good in other Capable of appreciating others Loving In the organization, there is a collective responsibility of completing a given job in a specific time. This is broadly called a….. Goal Plan Vision Carefully and attentive listening is an essential part of developing effective interpersonal skills Can’t say Disagree Agree Making right decision means--- Taking most easy decision. Taking decision on right time Selecting appropriate alternative from the available alternatives. Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities at workplace shows - lack of courage. lack of positive attitude. lack of motivation. Time is Up! Time's up